Wayanadan Cardamom (Elakka)

Sku: 0001

7 in stock

Wayanadan Cardomom, Elakka (Non graded) Available-100 gm Free Shipping ! Delivery Time 5-7 Working Days

Wayanad Organic cardamom seeds are considered green cardamom. It’s sold as a pod (whole or crushed), as whole seeds (referred to as decorticated cardamom) or as ground seeds. Most often, recipes call for the whole or ground seeds rather than the full pod, and cardamom intensifies both savory and sweet flavors. It’s quality is best in the world market. The Wayanadan climate is very apt for its cultivation. Hiltop, tropical and evergreen rain forest atmosphere cherish its quality. Benefits : Cardamom can help in curing stomach problems. Cardamom tea helps in flushing out all the toxins. It is also known to boost your metabolism & promote weight loss. Cardamom can help to cure cough and cold. Its Antioxidant and Diuretic Properties May Lower Blood Pressure. It Contain Cancer-Fighting Compounds. Not only this, but also it Protect from Chronic Diseases Apart from this it has an Anti-Inflammatory Effects that help with Digestive Problems, including Ulcers. Inaddition, it Treat Bad Breath and Prevent Cavities. The compounds in cardamom may help fight cancer cells.Studies in mice have shown that cardamom powder can increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer . The spice may also enhance the ability of natural killer cells to attack tumors .In one study, researchers exposed two groups of mice to a compound that causes skin cancer and fed one group 500 mg of ground cardamom per kg of weight per day After 12 weeks, only 29% of the group who ate the cardamom developed cancer, compared to over 90% of the control group Research on human cancer cells and cardamom indicate similar results. One study showed that a certain compound in the spice stopped oral cancer cells in test tubes from multiplying .Even though the results are promising, these studies have only been conducted on mice or in test tubes. Human research is needed before stronger claims can be made.


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