Roasted Arabica Coffee Bean

Sku: 228

10 in stock

Roasted Coffee Bean Available : Free Shipping ! Delivery Time 5-7 Days Wayanady natural special quality Coffee bean prepared specially based on the demand the people prefer to make it strong. Wayanadan nature and its foggy atmosphere attracted every tourist. Its dreamy and fairy mood creates the real world of God. So keeping this is in mind it is called the Gods own country, Wayanadan coffee is very hot and the cold climate accompanied with it, which make to the people those who come here to the wayanad as special to them and like its coffee as well. This is the real blend of the world of the coffee. Benefits : Coffee will help to cut the Pain and increase our fiber intake. It protect against cirrhosis of the liver. Coffee also reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes and lowered the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee reduces colorectal cancer risk. Even moderate consumption of coffee can reduce the odds of developing colorectal cancer by 26%. This protective benefit increases with more consumption. Coffee drinkers have less risk of heart disease. Korean researchers found that study participants who consumed 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day were less likely to show the beginning signs of heart disease. The study. Other dietary factors should also be noted as Koreans typically have a different diet than do Westerners. A more recent study conducted in Brazil found that those that consume at least three cups of coffee a day tend to develop less calcification in their coronary arteries.

600.00 590.00

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